Our first virtual book launch – Rhoda Bangerter’s Holding the Fort Abroad

There’s a spring in our step today, the sun is shining (for us, at least), and we can’t stop smiling. Why? It’s because Summertime Publishing has successfully achieved its first ever online book launch, and boy was it an occasion! With over 30 viewers from the USA, the UK, Switzerland, India, Spain and more, we had a truly international team of literary cheerleaders, afficionados and travel veterans gathered to celebrate the release of Rhoda Bangerter’s new book, H […]

Rhoda Bangerter on writing and publishing during a pandemic

​The coronavirus pandemic has made us all do things differently. Had it not been for social distancing I would never have taken my writing classes online and found a whole new audience. This month, Rhoda Bangerter, life coach at www.amulticulturallife.com,  celebrates the arrival of her first book.  Holding the Fort Abroad, beyond surviving – living and parenting abroad with a partner who works away from home is a remarkable achievement and will have been written, […]